Fundamental DALGen.NET

Fundamental Technology Solutions, L.L.C. is happy to announce the launch of Fundamental DALGen.NET, a breakthrough Data Access generation technology for the Microsoft.NET platform.

Fundamental DALGen.NET is a value adding development tool which helps project be more successful by:

Reducing delivery time by increasing developer productivity

Reducing cost of initial delivery as well as cost of maintenance
Providing resilience to change throughout the project life cycle by providing a controllable mechanism for change, even late in the development lifecycle

    • Increasing code quality by producing high-quality efficient code that adheres to best practices

    Increased Developer Productivity

    In a normal business application, developers will spend a large amount of time on the tedious and error prone tasks of developing code to access a relational database. Not only is this a laborious task, it is also error prone and a common source of costly defects.

    The further along the development life cycle a project gets, the more severe is the impact of changes to requirements that in turn cause changes to underlying data structures. Developers have to go back and revisit hand-written data access code which might be spread out over multiple application modules, causing a ripple effect which often cause costly delays. The result is an inability to react to changing business needs as well as delayed schedules.

    Fundamental DALGen.NET automates the process of creating data access code allowing developers to concentrate on solving business problems

    Fundamental DALGen.NET generates efficient code which adheres to best practices. Other Object/Relational mapping tools work well to a certain point but fail to
         scale when volumes get too large or data structure too complex. Fundamental DALGen.NET handles these situations and produce high quality, efficient code that scales.

    Reducing Cost

    On a medium sized project it is not uncommon to have between 50 to 100 database tables and more than 30% of the overall development effort is typically spent on developing and changing data access related code. The later in the development cycle changes appear the more costly are the consequences since developers have to track down all areas of the system that will be affected by a change. With Fundamental DALGen.NET the data access code is created at the push of a button. Any changes to the database tables are automatically detected and included when the code is re-generated. Not only does this dramatically reduce the amount of time spent on developing the code, it also allows architects, developers and project managers to make changes with confidence knowing that all data access code is in one place.

    Resilience to change

    In any software development project there are changes introduced throughout the development life cycle. From a delivery point of view it would be desirable to have all changes take place early in the project, preferably during requirements gathering and then have no changes occur until the project is delivered. Unfortunately this is hardly ever the case, change is part of the natural order in business. Circumstances change and software development projects need to be able to change with them.

    In a traditional development project, the later the changes occur the bigger the impact. This is especially true if the changes requires adjusting the underlying data structures since it tends to have a ripple effect throughout the system. Without a tool like Fundamental DALGen.NET developers are required to go back and manually analyze the already produced code to determine what changes need to be made. With Fundamental DALGen.NET the developer can make changes to the database tables, have Fundamental DALGen.NET automatically detect the changes and generate new code.

    Not only is this an immense time saver, it also allows development teams to make changes with confidence, even late in the development life cycle.

    Increased code quality

    Fundamental DALGen.NET produces high quality, efficient code that adheres to industry best practices. Furthermore, Fundamental DALGen.NET is an open system where the code generation is done using XSLT stylesheets. If you need to tweak the code produced you can do so easily by changing a stylesheet.

    Fundamental DALGen.NET was also designed to be extensible. Additional XSLT stylesheets can be created to produce any kind of output you need based on the database meta data.